[:en]posted by Charlotte and Kristy
When I was in middle school, a family friend gave me a cookbook of cookie recipes that kicked off my love of baking. I enjoy few things more th
an getting out some flour, butter, and sugar and making treats for whoever happens to be around. This recipe for Monkey Bread became a way to share that love of baking with my youngest sister Kristy, who’s 10.
When we first started making Monkey Bread, she helped out by rolling all the biscuit dough. Now she can basically make the entire recipe, and I only need to step in to help.
We’ve been trying other recipes lately (including cornbread that I can’t take much credit for), but we always have fun making Monkey Bread. As Kristy says, it’s delicious any time!
Here’s what you’ll need:
3 12oz. packages refrigerated biscuit dough
1 cup granulated sugar
2 tsp. cinnamon
½ cup butter
1 cup packed light brown sugar
*NOTE: We recommend close adult supervision when children are using the stove or oven.[:]
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