Author: Allissa
[:en]Shout Out From A Tufts Professor[:]
[:en]In a column that examines how family dinners lead to positive behaviors in children and teenagers, Assistant Professor Margie R. Skeer mentions The Family Dinner Project! For more information on the incredible benefits of family dinner, check-out Professor Skeer’s post.[:]
[:en]A Satisfying End to a Community Dinner Series[:]
[:en]“Parents are such innovators,” said Sarrouf. “They are constantly having to improvise, and use their intelligence and intuition to find ways to overcome challenges. When parents come together and share their knowledge, it’s a really powerful thing.”[:]
[:en]60% of Americans More Inspired by Family Cooks Than Celebrity Chefs[:]
[:en]According to a survey by outdoor cooking company Masterbuilt, an increasing number of families are using dinner as a “fun and creative way to spend time together.” Chalk it up to the slow food movement, less expensive meals at home, and the realization that eating together leads to happier, healthier families! Among the survey’s encouraging…
[:en]How Do You Eat Together On A Packed Day?[:]
[:en]Tell us how you outsmart busy schedules for the chance to win $50 worth of groceries![:]
[:en]Chowing Down With Our In-School Lunch Program[:]
[:en]Tablecloths in the library? It must be The Family Dinner Project’s Lunch Mentors Program![:]
Let’s Talk About Bullying
With the release of ‘Bully’, here are some questions to help your family talk about a problem that touches 13 million kids each year.
[:en]The Case of Trayvon Martin[:]
[:en]Roughly one month ago, 17-year-old Trayvon Martin was walking through a gated community in Florida when he was shot and killed by George Zimmerman, who was acting as the neighborhood’s watchman. [:]
[:en]Togetherness and Taco Fridays[:]
[:en]A conversation with Jennifer de los Santos, a local mother and community member, about the Community Dinners at The Ford School in Lynn, Mass. [:]