Category: Conversation of the Week
[:en]Talk About: Voting for the President[:]
[:en]Elections are an important teachable moment. Talk about voting, democracy and participating in the process with these conversation starters.[:]
[:en]Talking About: Gender Roles[:]
[:en]This Women’s History Month, talk about gender roles and equity with your family using our featured conversation starters.[:]
[:en]Dinner and a Movie: Food, Fun and Conversation About Anti-Racism[:]
[:en]In collaboration with Common Sense Media, we’re sharing family films, food, fun, and conversation to help families tackle the topic of anti-racism.[:]
[:en]Talking About: Juneteenth[:]
[:en]Use our conversation starter ideas to spark a discussion about Juneteenth, an important day in history commemorating the end of slavery.[:]
[:en]Talking About Anti-Racism[:]
[:en]Families may struggle to talk about racism, but it’s a necessary conversation to have. Talk about how to work against racism with our conversation starters.[:]
[:en]Talking About Lost Opportunities[:]
[:en]Talk about the disappointment and mixed feelings of the lost opportunities during the COVID-19 pandemic with our conversation starters for families.[:]
[:en]Children, Climate Change, and Mental Health[:]
[:en]A pediatrician and mental health expert shares how to talk to children about climate change in ways that encourage action and protect their mental health.[:]
[:en]Dinner and a Movie: Food, Fun and Conversation About the Environment[:]
[:en]Explore food, fun and conversation about the environment with these movie recommendations and ideas from The Family Dinner Project and Common Sense Media.[:]
[:en]7 Ways to Support Kids and Teens Through the Coronavirus Pandemic[:]
[:en]Our friends at the MGH Clay Center offer expert advice to help parents and kids navigate the coronavirus pandemic.[:]