Category: Conversation of the Week
[:en]Family Dinner Conversations for Memorial Day[:]
[:en]Help your family remember the real reason for the long weekend celebrations with these family dinner conversation starters about Memorial Day.[:]
[:en]Varsity Blues[:]
[:en]Did the “Varsity Blues” parents succumb to societal pressures to cheat? Is there increasing pressure to conform? Talk about the scandal at dinner tonight.[:]
[:en]When Does Streaming Become Stealing?[:]
[:en]Is it okay to use someone else’s password to access streaming content? Use our conversation starters to find out what your family thinks.[:]
Fixer Upper
An Oregon man sets the example — and gathers a community together — after witnessing unkind behavior towards his neighbor.
[:en]The Last Laugh[:]
[:en]A new documentary explores the subject of whether some topics are just too dark for comedy. What does your family think? [:]
[:en]A Whale of a Problem[:]
[:en]After helping a huge pod of stranded whales, a biologist raises ethical and environmental questions about whether humans should intervene in nature.[:]
[:en]A Book By its Cover[:]
[:en]Inspire your family with a conversation about Malcolm Mitchell, the football star who put his heart and soul into mastering another skill: Reading.[:]
[:en]The Meaning of Home[:]
[:en]What does “home” really mean? No matter your political beliefs, the recent news about immigration policies makes talking about the concept of home relevant for all families.[:]