Category: Uncategorized
[:en]Age 2-7 Interview – 21[:]
[:en]Name one thing you saw this summer that you’d never seen before. [:]
[:en]Ages 2-7 Interview -20[:]
[:en]What was your favorite thing you did this summer? Why was it your favorite?[:]
[:en]Ages 2-7 Imagination-30[:]
[:en]If you were free to do anything you wanted all day, what would you do?[:]
[:en]Ages 2-7 Thoughts & Opinions-42[:]
[:en]Why do we celebrate the 4th of July? What is your favorite part of the holiday?[:]
[:en]Ages 2-7 Thoughts & Opinions- 43[:]
[:en]What do you think about rules? Do you think they’re important? What are some rules you have in your home or at school?[:]
[:en]Ages 8-13 Thoughts & Opinions-33[:]
[:en]Do you think you have too much freedom, or not enough?[:]
[:en]Ages 8-13 Inspiration- 20[:]
[:en]Talk about a person you admire, famous or otherwise, who has fought or fights for the freedom of others.[:]
[:en]Ages 14-100 – Interview – 33[:]
[:en]”Freedom lies in being bold,” said poet Robert Frost. Talk about a time you were bold.[:]
[:en]Ages 14-100 Interview – 34[:]
[:en]What political freedoms have you witnessed come to fruition in your lifetime?[:]
[:en]Ages 2-7 Interview – 19[:]
[:en]Talk in detail about something or someone you’ve seen change, like a sibling, the moon or a caterpillar.[:]