Tag: Ages 14-100
[:en]Ages 14-100 Inspiration -16[:]
[:en]Are there lessons you have learned about giving that you could share with those younger than you?[:]
[:en]Ages 14-100 Interview -38[:]
[:en]Who is the most generous person you can think of? How are they generous?[:]
[:en]Ages 14-100 Thoughts & Opinions-32[:]
[:en]Can adults be bullies? Explain your answer with a specific example.[:]
[:en]Ages 14-100 Interview – 37[:]
[:en]Share a story about bullying from your childhood. Were you the bully, the bullied, a bystander?[:]
[:en]Ages 8-13 Thoughts & Opinions- 33[:]
[:en]How is this year at school different from last year?[:]
[:en]Ages 14-100 Thoughts & Opinions- 27B[:]
[:en]Can someone be “educated” if they haven’t gone to school? Explain.[:]
[:en]Ages 14-100 Interview – 35[:]
[:en]What place/activity/memory best captures “summer” for you as a child? How did it make you feel?[:]
[:en]Ages 14-100 – Interview – 33[:]
[:en]”Freedom lies in being bold,” said poet Robert Frost. Talk about a time you were bold.[:]
[:en]Ages 14-100 Interview – 34[:]
[:en]What political freedoms have you witnessed come to fruition in your lifetime?[:]
[:en]Ages 14-100 Interview – 32[:]
[:en]Talk about the most difficult transition you’ve experienced in your lifetime.[:]
[:en]Ages 14-100 Thoughts & Opinions -30[:]
[:en]The poet Maya Angelou once said, “If you don’t like something, change it. If you can’t change it, change your attitude.” What do you think she meant by this? Have you ever had to do this?[:]