Tag: Ages 14-100
[:en]Ages 14-100 Interview- 31[:]
[:en]What is the most caring thing you’ve ever done? Or what is the most caring thing someone has ever done for you?[:]
[:en]Ages 14-100 Thoughts & Opinions – 29[:]
[:en]Margaret Mead is quoted as saying “Never believe that a few caring people can’t change the world. For, indeed, that’s all who ever have.” Can you give an example of this from your lifetime?[:]
[:en]Justice for Justin: What do you Belieb?[:]
[:en]Questions to help you talk about the pop singer’s latest troubles.[:]
[:en]Age 14-100 Hopes & Dreams-9[:]
[:en]As spring is associated with hope, what is something you hope for…for yourself, or someone you love, or the world?[:]
[:en]Ages 14-100 – Imagination-18[:]
[:en]Actress Marilyn Monroe once said, “Designers want me to dress like spring…I don’t feel like spring. I feel like a warm red autumn.” What season do you feel like? Why?[:]
[:en]Ages 14-100 Interview-28[:]
[:en]Do you have a favorite memory of spring from when you were younger? What is it?[:]
[:en]Ages 14-100 Interview -26[:]
[:en]Who was the first person you fell in love with? ( or “Talk about your first love.”)[:]
[:en]Ages 14-100 Interview – 27[:]
[:en]What one lesson about love would you share with those younger than you?[:]
[:en]Ages 14-100 Thoughts & Opinions – 27[:]
[:en]One of the Beatles’ most famous songs is “All You Need is Love.” Do you think that’s true? What other necessities might you throw in there?[:]
[:en]14-100 Interview-25[:]
[:en]What traditions or rituals do you practice in your life right now?[:]
[:en]14-100 Interview-24[:]
[:en]What was your favorite tradition when you were a child? Have you passed that down to future generations? Will you?[:]