Tag: Ages 14-100
[:en]14-100 Thoughts&Opinions-26[:]
[:en]“I’m content to stand on tradition. I’m even more content to wipe my feet on it,” said author Aaron Allston. What do you think he means? Have you ever felt that way?[:]
[:en]14-100 Interview-23[:]
[:en]How has your understanding of gratitude changed over the years? What did you feel most grateful for when you were younger? And today?[:]
[:en]14-100 Interview- 22[:]
[:en]Gertrude Stein said, “Silent gratitude isn’t very much to anyone.” Describe the most creative way you’ve ever expressed thanks to someone, or someone has expressed thanks to you.[:]
[:en]14-100 Interview-20[:]
[:en]At what age do you think you first understood the true meaning of empathy? Why—what happened?[:]
[:en]14-100 Interviews-21[:]
[:en]Do you have a role model for empathy? This can be someone you know personally, or not. How is he or she a role model?[:]
[:en]14-100 Thought&Opinions-25[:]
[:en]Actor Javier Bardem said, “I think we are living in selfish times…we live in the so-called ‘first world,’ and we may be first in a lot of things like technology, but we are behind in empathy.” Do you agree or disagree with this statement? Explain.[:]
[:en]14-100 thoughts & opinions-24[:]
[:en]Talk about a time when your adaptability or open-mindedness really helped you in a situation.[:]
[:en]14-100 thoughts & opinions-23[:]
[:en]In general, do you think we as a society are more or less tolerant toward one another than we used to be? Why or why not?[:]
[:en]14-100 inspiration-15[:]
[:en]”Don’t be in a hurry to condemn because he doesn’t do what you do or think as you think or as fast. There was a time when you didn’t know what you know today.” How might this quote by Malcolm X apply to your own life?[:]
[:en]14-100 connections & friendships-14[:]
[:en]Is it possible to be too compassionate? Why or why not?[:]
[:en]14-100 connections & friendships-13[:]
[:en]Tell a story about someone who showed compassion to you when you were younger. What did they do? How did it affect you?[:]
[:en]14-100 connections & friendships-12[:]
[:en]Albert Schweitzer said, “Until he extends the circle of his compassion to all living things, man will not himself find peace.” Do you agree, or do you think this is just sentimental? What is the relationship between peace and compassion?[:]