Tag: conversation starters
Going Back to the Future with Imagine Better
Help us celebrate Marty McFly’s arrival in the future with a unique and fun family campaign!
Bringing Global Goals to the Dinner Table
Start a conversation with your family about the Global Goals and their vision of a better world.
An Offer of Refuge
What happens when the people of a nation decide their leaders aren’t doing enough to help others in crisis?
[:en]8-13 Imagination[:]
[:en]Make up three silly new traditions for our family. What would they be?[:]
[:en]Ages 14-100 Imagination[:]
[:en]If you could create a school dedicated to fun, what would it be like? What classes would be taught there?[:]
[:en]Ages 8-13 Thoughts and Opinions[:]
[:en]What’s the funniest or strangest thing that happened to you today?[:]