Tag: conversation starters
[:en]Ages 2-7 Imagination -33[:]
[:en]Dream up a superhero dedicated to giving. What’s his or her name? What would he/she do?[:]
[:en]Ages 14-100 Inspiration -16[:]
[:en]Are there lessons you have learned about giving that you could share with those younger than you?[:]
[:en]Ages 14-100 Interview -38[:]
[:en]Who is the most generous person you can think of? How are they generous?[:]
[:en]Ages 8-13 Connections – 33[:]
[:en]What are 3 things you could give to or do for a close friend that would make him or her happy?[:]
[:en]Ages 8-13 Inspiration- 23[:]
[:en]Have you ever volunteered? What did you do? Did you enjoy it?[:]
[:en]Ages 2-7 Connections & Friendships -40[:]
[:en]Do you know someone who is a giving person? Who is it and what makes them so?[:]
[:en]Ages 8-13 Thoughts & Opinions- 39[:]
[:en]’To give is to receive.’ What does that quote mean to you? Do you think it’s true?[:]
[:en]A Teacher’s Greatest Lesson[:]
[:en]Shadowing high school students, Alexis Wiggins learns more than she ever imagined[:]
[:en]Ages 14-100 Thoughts & Opinions-32[:]
[:en]Can adults be bullies? Explain your answer with a specific example.[:]
[:en]Ages 14-100 Interview – 37[:]
[:en]Share a story about bullying from your childhood. Were you the bully, the bullied, a bystander?[:]
[:en]Ages 8-13 Connections & Friendships – 32[:]
[:en]Have you ever done or said anything when you’ve witnessed someone being bullied? If not, imagine what you might do.[:]