Tag: cooking with kids
[:en]Real Family Dinner Projects: The Eddy Family[:]
[:en]Meet the Eddy family! Art Eddy is the blogger and podcast host behind The Art of Fatherhood, and he makes dinner a family priority.[:]
[:en]Things I’ve Learned About Family Dinner With a Toddler (While Sheltering in Place)[:]
[:en]From letting dinner happen anywhere to giving age-appropriate kitchen tasks, our Assistant Executive Director shares five things she’s learned about eating family dinner with a toddler during a pandemic.[:]
[:en]Real Family Dinner Projects: The Robbins Family[:]
[:en]Meet the Robbins family! Christopher is the founder of Familius Publishing, the company behind our new book “Eat, Laugh, Talk: The Family Dinner Playbook.” The Family: Christopher and Michele Robbins of Sanger, CA, and their kids: Konnor, Taylor, Kienan, Cameron, Joshua, Sarah, Christian, Elizabeth, and Mariam. The kids range in age from 9 to 27.…
Real Family Dinner Projects: The Trip Family
[:en]A family of five from The Netherlands explains how giving their kids control in the kitchen has made family dinners more enjoyable for everyone.[:]
How My Kids Learned Grit From a Dinner Disaster
[:en]Would you turn your elementary schoolers loose to cook dinner on their own? Read one mom’s story of how she did just that, and taught her kids grit in the process.[:]
Real Family Dinner Projects: The Buck Family
[:en]We’re pleased to introduce the Bucks, a family of four who are committed to family dinners, despite busy schedules, because of the potential benefits to their children. The Family: Jamie and Sara Buck and kids Alex (13) and Katie (8). The Bucks live in Leawood, Kansas. The Goal: Sara says that the family has been…