Tag: current events
Year-End Review: Help in Tough Times
[:en]Often, looking back at a year as it comes to a close means that we take stock of everything that has happened in the world. It can be an exciting exercise (This was the year the USA Women’s Soccer Team won the World Cup!), but also painful and saddening as we remember tragedies that may…
Bringing Global Goals to the Dinner Table
Start a conversation with your family about the Global Goals and their vision of a better world.
An Offer of Refuge
What happens when the people of a nation decide their leaders aren’t doing enough to help others in crisis?
[:en]The Newest Nobel[:]
[:en]A teacher from Maine becomes the first person in history to win an international education award.[:]
Family Dinners are Great for the Body and the Soul
[:en]Michelle Obama is a fan of family dinners, but is her enthusiasm backed by science?[:es]The First Lady is a fan of family dinners, but is her enthusiasm backed by science?[:]
[:en]Red Carpet Rewind: Conversations Inspired by the Oscars[:]
[:en]Last week’s Academy Awards inspired us to create these special conversation starters about things that matter.[:]
[:en]Dinner as an Act of Love: Meet “The Dinner Party”[:]
[:en]Guest blogger Lennon Flowers talks about her inventive organization, “The Dinner Party.”[:]
[:en]Join FDP and Points of Light for a Day of Service[:]
[:en]Celebrate #MLKDay2015 and pay your #familydinnerforward as part of America’s Sunday Supper![:]