Tag: environment
[:en]Children, Climate Change, and Mental Health[:]
[:en]A pediatrician and mental health expert shares how to talk to children about climate change in ways that encourage action and protect their mental health.[:]
[:en]Dinner and a Movie: Food, Fun and Conversation About the Environment[:]
[:en]Explore food, fun and conversation about the environment with these movie recommendations and ideas from The Family Dinner Project and Common Sense Media.[:]
[:en]A Whale of a Problem[:]
[:en]After helping a huge pod of stranded whales, a biologist raises ethical and environmental questions about whether humans should intervene in nature.[:]
Bringing Global Goals to the Dinner Table
Start a conversation with your family about the Global Goals and their vision of a better world.
[:en]Talking Trash at the Table[:]
[:en]Dr. Anne Fishel offers expert advice on helping your family understand the impact of wasted food on the planet.[:]
[:en]Paying #FamilyDinnerForward for the Earth[:]
[:en]Family dinner can be a time to care for the planet, too![:]
[:en]Time to Stop the Styrofoam[:]
[:en]A group of kids take on Dunkin’ Donuts and their trademark styrofoam cup[:]
[:en]Nurturing “Stewards of the Planet”[:]
[:en]Dr. Anne Fishel addresses the why and how of raising environmentally conscious kids[:]