Tag: Imagination
[:en]14-100 imagination-5[:]
[:en]If you could spend the day with someone special doing something you both love, who would it be? What would you do?[:]
[:en]14-100 imagination-3[:]
[:en]What if you were invited to a pool party that sounded really fun, but already had plans with a friend who was not invited? What would you do?[:]
[:en]14-100 imagination-2[:]
[:en]How would your day change if you didn’t have internet or a cell phone?[:]
[:en]8-13 imagination-25[:]
[:en]If you did a self-portrait, what medium would you use (paint, clay, stone, pencil, etc.)?[:]
[:en]8-13 imagination-24[:]
[:en]If you could, would you eat ice cream for every meal? What flavor?[:]
[:en]8-13 imagination-22[:]
[:en]If you founded a new country, what would you call it? What would the flag look like?[:]
[:en]8-13 imagination-20[:]
[:en]If you could invent a machine to do something in your life, what would that machine do?[:]
[:en]8-13 imagination-19[:]
[:en]If you wrote a newspaper article about your day, what would the headline be?[:]