Tag: Love
[:en]Real Family Dinner Projects: The Townsend Family[:]
[:en]An inspiring teen shares how family dinners have strengthened her, and how she’s paying it forward with a school-wide service project.[:]
Revealing Romance at the Dinner Table
Can — and should — you use family dinner as an opportunity to demonstrate romance to your kids?
Join Us: #FamilyDinnerForward for Esther Day
Join The Family Dinner Project, the Harry Potter Alliance and the This Star Won’t Go Out Foundation to share the power of love through family dinner.
[:en]Dinner as an Act of Love: Meet “The Dinner Party”[:]
[:en]Guest blogger Lennon Flowers talks about her inventive organization, “The Dinner Party.”[:]
[:en]Ages 8-13 Thoughts & Opinions -44[:]
[:en]How does someone act when they are “in love”? (You can use a real person or a book/movie character as an example).[:]
[:en]Ages 8-13 interview 33[:]
[:en]Do you know any love stories from our family? Tell one (or make one up!). [:]
[:en]Ages 2-7 Interview 27[:]
[:en]If you could marry anyone in the world, who would you marry and why?[:]