Tag: responsibility
[:en]How Dads are Finding New Roles at Dinner[:]
[:en]Family and couples therapist Dr. Anthony Chambers walks us through how dads are finding new roles at dinner, and throughout the household.[:]
[:en]Age-Appropriate Family Dinner Chores for Kids[:]
[:en]Get the whole family helping at mealtimes with our printable list of age-appropriate family dinner chores for kids from 2-18 (and beyond)![:]
[:en]Real Family Dinner Projects: The Donner Family[:]
[:en]A family of five from Lincoln, Nebraska shares their struggles with picky eating, along with tips for getting everyone involved in dinner prep and cleanup.[:]
Fixer Upper
An Oregon man sets the example — and gathers a community together — after witnessing unkind behavior towards his neighbor.
[:en]The Last Laugh[:]
[:en]A new documentary explores the subject of whether some topics are just too dark for comedy. What does your family think? [:]