Tag: teens
[:en]100 Ways to Ask About The Day[:]
[:en]We’ve compiled a list of 100 Alternatives to “How Was Your Day?” so families can have better, more meaningful conversations at any age.[:]
[:en]Family Dinner and Eating Disorders: What Parents Need to Know[:]
[:en]What do parents need to know about family dinner and eating disorders? We have expert advice to help make mealtimes safe and protective.[:]
[:en]How to Balance Kid Sports and Family Dinner[:]
[:en] When we ask parents about the obstacles they face in having regular family dinners, busy schedules usually top the list. One of the common culprits jamming the family calendar is kid sports. Starting at increasingly younger ages, children are taking part in athletic programs that quickly seem to eat up the family dinner hour.…
Talking to Kids About Tragedy
When bad things happen in the world, how can you talk about it with your family? Our tips for talking with all ages.
[:en]Real Family Dinner Projects: The Eddy Family[:]
[:en]Meet the Eddy family! Art Eddy is the blogger and podcast host behind The Art of Fatherhood, and he makes dinner a family priority.[:]
[:en]Talking About: Managing Anxiety[:]
[:en]Talking about managing anxiety when it arises is an important way for parents to help safeguard kids’ mental health. [:]