Tag: Thoughts & Opinions
[:en]Ages 8-13 Imagination – 28[:]
[:en]Are you a “summer” person? If not, what season do you think best represents you?[:]
[:en]Ages 2-7 Interview -20[:]
[:en]What was your favorite thing you did this summer? Why was it your favorite?[:]
[:en]Ages 2-7 Thoughts & Opinions-42[:]
[:en]Why do we celebrate the 4th of July? What is your favorite part of the holiday?[:]
[:en]Ages 2-7 Thoughts & Opinions- 43[:]
[:en]What do you think about rules? Do you think they’re important? What are some rules you have in your home or at school?[:]
[:en]Ages 8-13 Thoughts & Opinions-33[:]
[:en]Do you think you have too much freedom, or not enough?[:]
[:en]Ages 2-7 Thoughts & Opinions- 38[:]
[:en]If you could change one thing about your family or about school, what would it be?[:]
[:en]Ages 2-7 Thoughts & Opinions – 39[:]
[:en]In the book Green Eggs and Ham, Sam-I-am refuses to try green eggs and ham. Then he does and he likes them. Has something similar ever happened to you?[:]
[:en]Ages 8-13 Thoughts & Opinions – 35[:]
[:en]Do you have a favorite movie, book or song that deals with change? Why is this your favorite?[:]
[:en]Ages 14-100 Thoughts & Opinions -30[:]
[:en]The poet Maya Angelou once said, “If you don’t like something, change it. If you can’t change it, change your attitude.” What do you think she meant by this? Have you ever had to do this?[:]
[:en]Ages 14-100 Thoughts & Opinions – 29[:]
[:en]Margaret Mead is quoted as saying “Never believe that a few caring people can’t change the world. For, indeed, that’s all who ever have.” Can you give an example of this from your lifetime?[:]