Tag: Thoughts & Opinions
[:en]14-100 thoughts & opinions-6[:]
[:en]What school subject do you think helps you the most in every day life?[:]
[:en]14-100 thoughts & opinions-4[:]
[:en]Lots of people picnic on public beaches and in public parks. Why do we have public spaces?[:]
[:en]14-100 thoughts & opinions-3[:]
[:en]What’s something you love to do and haven’t done in awhile because you were too busy?[:]
[:en]14-100 thoughts & opinions-2[:]
[:en]Have you ever missed a chance to do the right thing because you were rushing too fast? What was it?[:]
[:en]8-13 thoughts & opinions-25[:]
[:en]Can you give an example of a time you saw a friend, family member or stranger being treated unfairly? What did you do? (If you can’t think of a real example, what might you do in such a situation?)[:]
[:en]8-13 thoughts & opinions-23[:]
[:en]Think of a time life didn’t work out how you expected. How did you respond? Would you respond differently now?[:]
[:en]8-13 thoughts & opinions-22[:]
[:en]What are 3 things that you’re good at doing that took a lot of hard work and practice?[:]
[:en]8-13 thoughts & opinions-21[:]
[:en]What are some things you count on other people to do for you? What would happen if they stopped doing those things?[:]
[:en]8-13 thoughts & opinions-20[:]
[:en]What was the most surprising thing that happened to you this year?[:]
[:en]8-13 thoughts & opinions-19[:]
[:en]What was your favorite thing that you learned this year (either in school or outside of it)?[:]